4 FAQs About Osteoarthritis Of The Knee
If you are currently experiencing chronic knee pain, you're not alone. Of the 100 million people in the United States that suffer from pain, knee pain comes in second as the most common type of chronic pain. People feel knee pain for different reasons. Sometimes it's as simple as the knee is bearing too much weight. Knee pain can also be the result of something called osteoarthritis of the knee.
Here are the answers to four commonly asked questions concerning osteoarthritis of the knee.
1. What is Osteoarthritis of the Knee?
Osteoarthritis is often referred to as degenerative joint disease. When the knees are affected by arthritis, it is called osteoarthritis of the knee. This disorder occurs when the cartilage covering the knee cap begins to break down. As it continues to degenerate, it decreases the amount of cushioning so that bone begins to rub against bone. This, in turn, causes pain and inflammation.
2. What Causes Osteoarthritis of the Knee?
According to some medical experts, people who age are bound to get some degree of osteoarthritis of the knee. While age is the most common cause of this condition, other causes include:
- Being overweight
- Recurring joint injuries
- Genetics
- Congenital bone deformities such as being born with malformed joints
Athletes who perform as long-distance runners or people who do a lot of squatting or kneeling may also be more susceptible to getting this type of arthritis.
3. What Are Some Common Symptoms?
Besides feeling pain in the knee, other common symptoms include having a limited range of motion or stiffness, the joint makes clicking or cracking sounds, swelling of the knee, and pain that gets worse after certain activities involving the knees, such as gardening.
4. What Are Some Treatment Options for Osteoarthritis of the Knee?
If a doctor confirms a diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee, there can be many treatment options to help alleviate the pain. The type of treatment usually depends on the cause. For example, losing weight can help to decrease the amount of pressure that is placed on the knee joint. Certain types of pain medications, such as Acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can also help to alleviate mild pain.
Some doctors will also recommend physical therapy, heat and cold therapy, or using braces and knee supports. If the pain is severe and interferes with work and everyday activities, a consult with an orthopedic surgeon may be necessary to discuss surgical treatment options. You can also check out a website like https://www.superior-orthopedics.com/ for more information.